The Black Girls Little Black Book Of Beauty

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 Brief little beauty book that takes you on a journey beyond the surface of the skin. As you read on, you will experience Rumbi’s passion for creating natural products, and also the miraculous wonders of the skin. However little, this is an informative and detailed book in which Rumbi introduces the skin’s structure and its functions, skin types, how it works and much more. The author invites you to become more discerning about how and what you use to care for the largest organ of your body, as well as how to protect and maintain it. She highlights how exquisite, robust and yet fragile the skin truly is.

After reading this well-written pocket treasure, you will have a better understanding of how the skin functions, how environmental factors play a part in skin health deterioration and how you may combat them.
Rumbi’s matter-of-fact approach to skincare infuses a confidence and empowerment about caring for your skin, and she injects some interesting facts that may surprise you. Her affection for healthy skin is evident here, as she shares some great do-it-yourself skincare recipes,
giving you a hands-on, personalised approach to caring for your skin.
Unapologetic in her stance for organic and natural products and ingredients, you may surrender your entire being to a new way of life.
Whether you are a beauty junkie, a naturalist or a beauty novice, The Black Girls’ Little Black Book of Beauty is an essential guide to understanding more about your skin and how to look after this amazing organ.

Cheryl Jumbo BSc (Hons)
Cosmetic Scientist

Intrinsic and extrinsic factors that cause dry skin


Cold winds and low temperatures can dry out skin, leaving it devoid of oils, which can lead to wrinkles and premature ageing.
Too much exposure to the sun results in water evaporation from the skin. Central heating and air conditioning in winter dry the air, causing the skin to dehydrate. 


 Essential fatty acids (EFAs) are a critical component of our diet
and support a healthy, functioning body. Eating a low-fat diet
can eventually rob you of a supple, soft skin.

Foods high in Essential Fatty Acids include:

Hemp, Flax, Walnuts, Almonds, Dark green leafy vegetables such as broccoli and spinach, Olive oil, Wholegrain foods, Eggs, Omega 3 and Omega 6 Fatty acids, Avocados, Salmon
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They prevent dryness by protecting against transepidermal water loss (TEWL) in cells within your skin. EFA’s also help to maintain skin hydration. An EFA deficiency can result in chronic itching, dryness, scaling.



 It’s a little-known fact that the skin is an organ. The skin is
essentially a set of different tissues that work together to perform
 a specific function.

It is even less well known that it is the largest organ of the body. It weighs around 10 kg (about 5 lb), which is equivalent to approximately 15% of the weight of the average human. The skin covers the entire body, forming a protective layer against harmful substances and the environment. The skin also regulates body temperature, stores water, fat and vitamin D and as part of the immune system, helps protect us from illness.
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 Classic Skin Type Categories

 We all want to have beautiful skin no matter what colour we are.
Sadly, our skin begins the ageing process from the moment we
are born. The first step in effective skincare is knowing your skin
type. This could be the difference between ‘how old your skin
looks’ and your ‘actual age’… if you know what I mean?
 As we grow older, our skin ages due to many contributing
factors. It starts to change and become wrinkled… a terrifying
prospect for some of us!
 The drier the skin the more wrinkled it will look. Those with oiler
skin types tend to have the advantage here, thus allowing some
to age relatively wrinkle free – for a while at least. This is where
black women have a certain degree of advantage: some of us
have naturally oiler skin. This comes with a warning too.
 Having ‘good’ skin is not a licence to neglect your skin. Do not
dismiss facts, abuse your skin, and let ‘nature take its course’! An
oily T-zone (area across the forehead and down the nose and
chin) does not necessarily mean the skin is adequately hydrated
beneath the sheen of oil. The sebaceous glands are located on
the skin’s surface. This means that the skin’s natural oil is only
present on the outer layer. Good fluid, i.e. water intake, goes a
long way in ensuring the skin is moisturised from within.

The skin is the largest organ of our bodies, which means there is every chance that what we put on it is going to affect us if absorbed into the body.

Along with inhalation, ingestion and injection, dermal absorption is a route of exposure to toxic substances and also a route of administration for medication.

So the question is how much of what is put on our skin is absorbed into our bodies and how quickly? Also, what are the effects of the environment when it comes to toxins finding their way into our systems?

According to Scientific American, a study found over 200 chemicals in the umbilical cords of newborns, particularly in African American, Asian and Hispanic babies. The US study commissioned by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) and Rachel’s Network found some 23 synthetic chemicals in cord blood samples from 9 out of 10 different babies.

The study was looking to find out if the hormone-disrupting chemical Bisphenol A (BPA), a plasticiser greatly used in food and drink storage containers, was present in the cord blood of minority babies in the US.

Newer additions to the list include tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) found in computer circuit boards, synthetic fragrances used in common cosmetics and detergents, and Teflon-relative perfluorobutanoic acid.

The study focused on populations in areas that were highly likely to have a disproportionate environmental pollution burden (situated near roads, industrial sites and old housing etc).

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Can you imagine the secret to great skin being as easy as just caring for your skin with natural ingredients?
We are all mindful of the importance of maintaining a good cleansing regime. Using products that are specifically formulated for your skin type is an important part of the process. Knowing your skin type and having a basic skincare routine, using suitable products and learning about your skin is paramount for a healthy, beautiful skin.
A ‘basic’ skincare regimen will consist of three daily steps: cleansing, toning and moisturising. Exfoliation, a mask and a serum can then be layered and used daily or even weekly, depending on your skin type and condition.

Skin cleansing for all skin types
There are many different cleanser formulations, ranging from rich and creamy to light and foamy to oils. When choosing a product, you should first decide on which formulation you most prefer, bearing in mind that there is a great variation between creamy face washes that are designed for dry skin and creamy face washes that are developed for oily skin.

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Black Hair Characteristics
In order to get the best understanding of how to care for black hair we need to get a true perspective of the basic properties. Although all hair is composed of the same principal chemical elements, black hair differs in the basic shape of the hair fibres and in its composition i.e. the percentage and distribution of basic compounds.
The shaft of black hair, often described as kinky, is flat with a twisted structure and a thin diameter. Kinky hair usually appears thick, coarse and tough, but because of its composition it is not physically nearly as strong as it appears. Each coil, twist and bend presents an opportunity for breakage as it is a potential point of weakness along the hair shaft. Where these ‘twists’ occur there is a change in the width of the hair (think of what happens when you bend or twist a straw).

These twists and curls are weak points along your hair, and this is one of the reasons why black hair breaks so easily. This explains why black hair is therefore not as strong as one may think and requires extra care, particularly if it has been straightened or colour treated.
Find out about natural treatments, herbal rinses and much more! 

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